Blog Advertising channels: types, opportunities and features

Advertising channels: types, opportunities and features

Quite often, because of the large number of overlapping terms, it is not easy to navigate in which channel, on which devices, and how to display ads. To clarify this point, we will talk about each channel in this article. And as usual, let's start with the term.

Advertising channels usually mean ways to convey an advertising message to the target audience. These can be both broader concepts, such as Internet and online advertising, and more specific ones: mail or email newsletters, display or radio advertising, billboards and TV advertising.

In Hybrid, we can implement campaigns in several advertising channels, which will be discussed below.

Display ads

Display ads are shown on desktop browsers (PCs and laptops) and mobile browsers (mobile phones and tablets). Browsers really play an important role here, as using only one channel, we can tell the user about the product on several devices at once.

Nowadays, display advertising is the most common and converting format. And there are several reasons for that.

Possibilities of Display ads

Great reach. The browser is one of the most popular entry points to the Internet. Using it, we communicate in social networks, order products and look for information. There are desktop ads on almost every page on the Internet.

A good variety of goals: from an outreach advertising campaign to sales. This channel is not only great for achieving the required KPIs, but is also qualitatively checked by various tracking systems (from analytics to verifiers).

A large selection of advertising message formats, so classic banners, native ads in the page content or in-visual advertising help to attract the user's attention.

Almost unlimited targeting options. With the help of a huge number of settings, you can show your ad to anyone at the exact moment when it is necessary.

Price. Thanks to precise settings, you can optimize the cost per thousand impressions or per click, which allows you to achieve excellent traffic quality and save your budget.

Working with audience data. Thanks to the data provided by DMP and other providers (fiscal data operators, mobile operators), it is possible to set up more detailed targeting for specific audience groups.

Mobile In-App

This channel is one of the fastest growing: according to DataReportal, there are about 5.32 billion mobile users in the world who spend 92.5% of their time in various applications. Moreover, the average time of using a smartphone continues to grow: now it is 4 hours and 48 minutes per day.

More and more mobile developers are using in-app advertising as the main way to monetize their work. It is quite difficult to sell paid programs and games, and only 2-4% of users make in-app purchases, so advertising remains one of the main methods of earning.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the mobile channel does not contain audience data, including the social demographic information and interests, but it is possible to more accurately identify the user as only one person uses the phone, as a rule.

One of the most important advantages of the mobile advertising channel is the use of device location to display a situational message. Targeting people who visit certain categories of places or showing ads to users close to the offline point of sale is a significant advantage over other channels.

Using a touchscreen allows you to expand the possibilities of an advertising message: playable ads can not only show how your product works, but also entertain the user, fixing a positive association with the brand.

Rewarded ads is another mobile advertising format that allows a user to watch ads and earn in-game rewards. Rewarded Video is perceived more positively than other types of advertising, as it is less intrusive. The user is clearly aware that by viewing ads, he receives game content for free. This is one of the reasons why video ads in games help improve viewability.


Digital-Out-Of-Home (DOOH) is the display of a message on city advertising placements (outdoor and indoor).

Displaying ads at specific locations in the city is not DOOH's only strong point. The use of DOOH allows cross-channel retargeting and online-to-offline (O2O) marketing.

Nowadays, this channel continues to develop and use new opportunities: some placements already have gender and age recognition of the person who is standing in front of the advertisement.

Digital Audio

The active development of streaming audio platforms creates a new opportunity for audio advertising. Yes, it's like a radio ad, but not the same. Digital audio "shows" ads only to relevant users, targeting by socio-demographic data, geography and segments, unlike radio ads.

And the ability to show a banner during an audio ad can be a great addition to attract the audience’s attention.

Read more about the audio advertising market and its features here.

We have described above the four most common channels for delivering an advertising message. They differ both in display placements and targeting options, and each channel has its own pros and cons, so effective promotion is a balance between multiple channels. Such an integrated approach will ensure high-quality traffic and high performance indicators.

Learn more about each channel in our blog.

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