Increasing the effectiveness of planned TV ad campaign through TV Sync campaign.
Omnichannel communication with users through all possible channels at the chosen moment within a particular area.
Digital synchronization with competitive TV ad spot.
TV signals analysis for timely ads display on devices
Get detailed online reports on video release times and channels, and see the performance of your campaign in real time with Hybrid Reports.
Increase of brand awareness and engagement.
Visible results of an impact on brand awareness as a results of TV synchronization, conducted through Brand Lift.
Extending the reach of target audience through ad placement in-app and mobile web.
Easy measurement of TV ads effectiveness within each channel and time in real time.
Result: synergy effect due to synchronization of both channels.
Result: while the competitor builds the brand awareness in TV, your brand builds the association online with your own brand name.
Learn more about TV Sync opportunities by the case of “Volvo”
Blacklist of non-licensed or negative content
Geo: Poland
Channel: Mobile
Users, interested in purchasing a new car
Users, who are visiting automotive, sport and finance-related websites
Blacklisting placements with poor performance
Blacklisting placements with poor performance
Times higher CTR, comparing to the same campaign Without TV Sync
Kanał TV | CTR |
Fox_comedy | 0,68% |
Metro | 0,48% |
Eurosport_1 | 0,56% |
Tvn_turbo | 2% |